Whenever we try to do anything creative,there are chances that we are going to fail.Edison failed 2000 times before he could finally invent a proper light bulb!The bicycle we ride today is a result of hundreds of failed attempts to make a proper one.Every successful person has a long list of failures preceding him.There are a lot many examples out there which make us think failing is not such an alien thing.
Why do we get scared when we fail?
What is it that disappoints us in the event of a failure?
Normally it gets like this-We set out our plans and then bundle up lot of expectation from our efforts which are generally based on vague assumptions.Then we chain ourselves to such an extent that failing can not be the case at all!
We so readily ignore the natural law.It is but normal to fail quite a lot.The largest of corporations,set up in various parts of the world are a result of many failed attempts to set up one.Rightly it is said:
Success comes from experiences and experiences come from bad experiences.
At present,it is expected of every individual to be at his optimum level all the time.Each one of us have passed through the school years,when a 90% score was the parameter to determine our quality.The human values are set aside,and being productive is emphasized.All right,we need to perform well,in order to get the best of the positions in life.But this weeding out of people who fail,is never acceptable.Its all right if we expect our machines to perform well all the time,otherwise they are useless.But human beings,the masters of these machines are bound to fail sometimes.there are many variables,in real life on which we have no control.Why set such high expectations,when we know in our hearts that we will not succeed in every attempt everytime.But that's not taking the fact that we should work hard at every attempt.I just think that working hard and expectations are two different things.
How many of us,while making the attempt for the first time succeed in it?
Hardly 1% of all people.So what about the remaining 99%?Should they chain themselves to this stupid ideology?Rather they should get up and move on.There is no thing in this world which can't be done by us.We are humans,we are the masters here.
Why is it that we being imprisoned by our false notions of ourselves,demean the beautiful gift of life we have?
Often it is the motivation,the lack of it which is the real culprit.Well,in this regard first we need to set realistic goals for ourselves.It is said the armies may be deprived of their commanders,but even a common man can't be deprived of his goal.Goal setting is the primary effort based on which we have to make the effort and which will fructify in the form of success later.Motivation is not a difficult thing to find.As far as career is concerned,we must understand where do we find ourselves most comfortable in.Try to gain information,then read some motivational stories about your favorite career ,just make sure nobody else dictate terms to us.This is the most de-motivational thing we do to ourselves!
What right have others to tell that we are not capable of a particular thing?
Are they experts in that field?
Most of the time we encounter people having little or no information judging a child's capabilities.It is fine to listen to advices,but verification always helps in the long run.
Once motivation is established,it is our job to maintain it throughout.So what if we fail the first time?There is always a second opportunity.Motivation in the case of a failure should not be lost just like you will never lose your breath.Be it the most extreme situation,do we lose our breath?No way,we'll die.The same is the case of motivation,we shall die if we lose it.
Another thing,I find impressive is reading life stories of other successful people.This way one can have the idea that,the so called successful person,was not so the moment he came out of the womb!Almost everyone who has been successful has achieved it through hard work,dedication and perseverance.There are no shortcuts to hard work.
A very common thing we have been hearing ever since kindergarten-Hard work is the key to success.
It should be a given.Each time we make an effort,there should be enthusiasm to succeed.And in case we don't-well,better luck next time.We have to be prepared to handle failures.Failures will be the pillars on which our success will rest.There is a positive thing about almost everything we experience.The task is to be able to identify that positive thing. Life is way too short,to sit down and sulk about ourselves.We have to be ready to move on,and keep moving on.there should be no stopping.There should be no idleness,no doing nothing.
An idle mind is a devil's workshop
The mind needs to be occupied at all moments.Do whatever pleases you.Play some games,watch a movie,listen to the music which reminds you of childhood,meet old friends.Read some motivational blogs,get a little bit religious and read some good ancient texts.The main idea is to keep the mind occupied with good ideas. Whenever there is a positive state of mind we tend to love ourselves and others,we see the world as a beautiful place and life looks easy.Oppositely,whenever there is a negative state of mind,we generally have anger,hatred and the world at once seems cruel to us.
All hope is lost,nothing seems to work.So it is necessary to keep our mind out of this jail.Once we are in,it is really difficult to get out.And often we might need some extra help to break us out.This is why,I focus on arousing and maintaining the positive state of mind.It is the key if we have to succeed.
Now an important thing,get rid of your ego as soon as possible.Yes,if you are living in a big city your ego is the only thing which makes you feel 'alive' and helps you fight the 'evil' world.But think twice,and you'll realize it is doing more harm than good.
There are a lot of good things which we are being deprived of,thanks to our huge ego.
Ever step out and look closely,at someone who is from the weaker section of society,like a tea vendor or a coolie or even a rickshaw puller.Although he might look shabby,but there is a distinct sense of simplicity and joy inside him.Most probably he does not possess a huge ego.We are not as simple as him,are we?We are concerned about our looks,we are concerned about what and where we eat.We are concerned about whom we talk to.We are concerned about our general day to day behaviour with people.But he is definitely not.
We are so because somewhere deep within we feel what will others think about it.They might make us feel bad and this fear arising totally out of the unknown,often is due to the ego.
There are countless problems,which we on account of our huge ego face.People often resort to lying,just to maintain their 'respect' among peers!They are ready to lie at times, but not ready to accept they were wrong!
And yes,the fear of failure we have,before making an effort is contributed to the ego.We want to build respect and boost the ego.And thus,if we fail it seems disrespectful.
Failing is natural,it is ego which makes it disrespectful.
But relinquishing the ego is not a big thing as well.We just have to think in a positive way.We are not alone isolated at some place.We are with the nature every time,we live with it.Nature provides us with a lot of examples,we must be ready to perceive them.
And lastly We never have to let go of our self esteem.We have to form a positive powerful image of ourselves,which will help us guide in case we fail.It is different from our ego in this way:Normally ego is due to our constant fighting with the world,but this positive image of ourselves is composed of our good qualities,which are a lot.We follow whatever our nature is,and yes we can't be misguided by ourselves at least!
The nature itself teaches us a lot,we must be good students.
One failure doesn't decide,our lives while one success can.With the enthusiasm matching only yourselves,you should take every attempt as your life deciding one and even if failure is waiting for you,develop enough courage to pick yourself up and come back next time,even fierce.
-Your well wisher
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never let failures dictate terms to you. |
Why do we get scared when we fail?
What is it that disappoints us in the event of a failure?
Normally it gets like this-We set out our plans and then bundle up lot of expectation from our efforts which are generally based on vague assumptions.Then we chain ourselves to such an extent that failing can not be the case at all!
We so readily ignore the natural law.It is but normal to fail quite a lot.The largest of corporations,set up in various parts of the world are a result of many failed attempts to set up one.Rightly it is said:
Success comes from experiences and experiences come from bad experiences.
At present,it is expected of every individual to be at his optimum level all the time.Each one of us have passed through the school years,when a 90% score was the parameter to determine our quality.The human values are set aside,and being productive is emphasized.All right,we need to perform well,in order to get the best of the positions in life.But this weeding out of people who fail,is never acceptable.Its all right if we expect our machines to perform well all the time,otherwise they are useless.But human beings,the masters of these machines are bound to fail sometimes.there are many variables,in real life on which we have no control.Why set such high expectations,when we know in our hearts that we will not succeed in every attempt everytime.But that's not taking the fact that we should work hard at every attempt.I just think that working hard and expectations are two different things.
How many of us,while making the attempt for the first time succeed in it?
Hardly 1% of all people.So what about the remaining 99%?Should they chain themselves to this stupid ideology?Rather they should get up and move on.There is no thing in this world which can't be done by us.We are humans,we are the masters here.
Why is it that we being imprisoned by our false notions of ourselves,demean the beautiful gift of life we have?
Often it is the motivation,the lack of it which is the real culprit.Well,in this regard first we need to set realistic goals for ourselves.It is said the armies may be deprived of their commanders,but even a common man can't be deprived of his goal.Goal setting is the primary effort based on which we have to make the effort and which will fructify in the form of success later.Motivation is not a difficult thing to find.As far as career is concerned,we must understand where do we find ourselves most comfortable in.Try to gain information,then read some motivational stories about your favorite career ,just make sure nobody else dictate terms to us.This is the most de-motivational thing we do to ourselves!
What right have others to tell that we are not capable of a particular thing?
Are they experts in that field?
Most of the time we encounter people having little or no information judging a child's capabilities.It is fine to listen to advices,but verification always helps in the long run.
Once motivation is established,it is our job to maintain it throughout.So what if we fail the first time?There is always a second opportunity.Motivation in the case of a failure should not be lost just like you will never lose your breath.Be it the most extreme situation,do we lose our breath?No way,we'll die.The same is the case of motivation,we shall die if we lose it.
Another thing,I find impressive is reading life stories of other successful people.This way one can have the idea that,the so called successful person,was not so the moment he came out of the womb!Almost everyone who has been successful has achieved it through hard work,dedication and perseverance.There are no shortcuts to hard work.
A very common thing we have been hearing ever since kindergarten-Hard work is the key to success.
It should be a given.Each time we make an effort,there should be enthusiasm to succeed.And in case we don't-well,better luck next time.We have to be prepared to handle failures.Failures will be the pillars on which our success will rest.There is a positive thing about almost everything we experience.The task is to be able to identify that positive thing. Life is way too short,to sit down and sulk about ourselves.We have to be ready to move on,and keep moving on.there should be no stopping.There should be no idleness,no doing nothing.
An idle mind is a devil's workshop
The mind needs to be occupied at all moments.Do whatever pleases you.Play some games,watch a movie,listen to the music which reminds you of childhood,meet old friends.Read some motivational blogs,get a little bit religious and read some good ancient texts.The main idea is to keep the mind occupied with good ideas. Whenever there is a positive state of mind we tend to love ourselves and others,we see the world as a beautiful place and life looks easy.Oppositely,whenever there is a negative state of mind,we generally have anger,hatred and the world at once seems cruel to us.
All hope is lost,nothing seems to work.So it is necessary to keep our mind out of this jail.Once we are in,it is really difficult to get out.And often we might need some extra help to break us out.This is why,I focus on arousing and maintaining the positive state of mind.It is the key if we have to succeed.
Now an important thing,get rid of your ego as soon as possible.Yes,if you are living in a big city your ego is the only thing which makes you feel 'alive' and helps you fight the 'evil' world.But think twice,and you'll realize it is doing more harm than good.
There are a lot of good things which we are being deprived of,thanks to our huge ego.
Ever step out and look closely,at someone who is from the weaker section of society,like a tea vendor or a coolie or even a rickshaw puller.Although he might look shabby,but there is a distinct sense of simplicity and joy inside him.Most probably he does not possess a huge ego.We are not as simple as him,are we?We are concerned about our looks,we are concerned about what and where we eat.We are concerned about whom we talk to.We are concerned about our general day to day behaviour with people.But he is definitely not.
We are so because somewhere deep within we feel what will others think about it.They might make us feel bad and this fear arising totally out of the unknown,often is due to the ego.
There are countless problems,which we on account of our huge ego face.People often resort to lying,just to maintain their 'respect' among peers!They are ready to lie at times, but not ready to accept they were wrong!
And yes,the fear of failure we have,before making an effort is contributed to the ego.We want to build respect and boost the ego.And thus,if we fail it seems disrespectful.
Failing is natural,it is ego which makes it disrespectful.
But relinquishing the ego is not a big thing as well.We just have to think in a positive way.We are not alone isolated at some place.We are with the nature every time,we live with it.Nature provides us with a lot of examples,we must be ready to perceive them.
And lastly We never have to let go of our self esteem.We have to form a positive powerful image of ourselves,which will help us guide in case we fail.It is different from our ego in this way:Normally ego is due to our constant fighting with the world,but this positive image of ourselves is composed of our good qualities,which are a lot.We follow whatever our nature is,and yes we can't be misguided by ourselves at least!
The nature itself teaches us a lot,we must be good students.
One failure doesn't decide,our lives while one success can.With the enthusiasm matching only yourselves,you should take every attempt as your life deciding one and even if failure is waiting for you,develop enough courage to pick yourself up and come back next time,even fierce.
-Your well wisher
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